Life is better than you think. Our mind filters out the stunning beauty and joyous rapture with a shabby reflection of a world clouded over with troubles and worries. Only rarely do we catch a glimpse beyond the veil to touch the wonder of our being.
To say that we live in the presence of divine love is only a glimpse of a more wonderful truth – that love is our very being. To become present is to feel the presence of great joy and compassion.
Even the best and brightest among us rarely touch the radiant bliss that is available in the field of pure potential.
Recently published letters from Mother Theresa revealed that she labored for fifty years without feeling the presence of the divine. Religious and cultural traditions invent complicated dogma that masks the simple awareness of self. Authority figures project their own image over the simple elegant presence we all feel when we are in tune with nature. Perhaps that is why religious and cultural differences so often result in conflict.
The simple truth is that anyone can enjoy the light and warmth of pure love, with or without recourse to political or spiritual systems. Journey to the Self is the lazy man’s path to enlightenment. It is a sweet, gentle journey through the psyche. You will quickly and easily remember yourself and release into the deep abiding peace that is the core of your being.
To find your self you only have to lose yourself in something you love. When you discover a game worth playing, your body and mind release you from the prison of anxiety and anger.
Realizing that you are not the persona you created or the roles that you play, you notice your natural self--the silent witness—the one who is seeing this page and hearing these words echo through your mind. You are the awareness that cannot be cut with a sword or burned by fire.
Journey to the Self is a restful 4-day training for entrepreneurs and business leaders who need to take time for self-renewal. This course blends entertainment with education to help you understand yourself and others more profoundly. As your system releases layers of tension, you will enter a peak experience. Colors will appear brighter and you will feel more alive. By transcending together we will find common ground in the depths of our being.
Aliveness is more important than meanings or definitions. Vivid perceptions are more valid than insights or interpretations. No one can tell you who you are or show you the sweetness of your love. This is where you come to discover the wonder and beauty of your true nature. Journey to the Self is 5 days of playfully pursuing the “art of the controlled accident“.
We will meditate through music, dance and touch. And we will perform yoga, albeit a fairly irreverent form. Naturally we will dialogue on essential truths. And what would a journey to the self be without hands on healing and energy work.
Often it is the nicest people who lose their way by giving so much of their time and attention to others. Sometimes you just have to take some time for yourself, to regain your perspective and to remember your own way.
If innovative adventures awaken your aliveness, this is just the experience you have been looking for.
Sage University provides a unique training experience. All content is a form of edutainment based on role-play. Courses contain strong language and adult content. All trainings are recorded and participation requires signing a release form.