Top professional coaches earn a terrific living because they attract the most effective clients and achieve consistent winning results.
Professional coaching is the fastest growing profession in the world. As the Industrial Age gives way to the Service Era, millions of people need professional coaches to assist them transform their careers and lifestyles to fit to the new economy. In a world of accelerating change, people need guidance and inspiration to handle the challenges of increasingly complex relationships and living conditions. To win, they need excellent coaching.
If you have a knack with people, you can earn a good living by helping people reach their goals and develop their potential. Great coaches awaken qualities of maturity and integrity in others. They lift people to peak experiences and move them to peak performances by bringing out the highest and best in them.
The finest coaches don’t just help other people win. They lead by example—living lives of exciting adventure that inspire other people to participate fully in life. If you want to be the kind of person whose vitality and compassion touches other people, Coaching Mastery will awaken you to new dimensions of excitement.
Coaching isn’t therapy. Nor is it anything like counseling or consulting. Coaches build character by challenging people to play, and then training them to achieve excellence in their chosen field.
Coaching Mastery provides powerful new tools and skills that you can serve your clients better. Moreover this event puts you on a high performance team for six days so that you can directly experience the dynamics of teambuilding.
You can only learn to lead a team by actually leading your own team. Coaching Mastery puts you right into action. We challenge you to create, produce, and deliver a performance with your classmates. You will face fear together. Your team will hesitate. People will work at cross-purposes. You will quickly learn to identify the patterns of resistance that people use to hinder one another and to destroy productivity.
As the game progresses, you will learn to discern the flaws in how people get along. You will see your own strengths and weaknesses in a new light. Then you will learn how to use new coaching tools and to conduct team meetings and transform your team into a cohesive unit.
More Than Words
You will complete this training with a whole new perspective on what it takes to win the allegiance of good people and to lead them to the achievement of their goals.
This event will force you to dig deep inside to find the qualities you need to inspire people to take on real-world challenges. It takes real courage to put yourself and your team on an impossible mission with the aim to deliver a professional quality stage show with amateur talent. We can promise you this: Coaching Mastery will be one of the hardest thing you have ever done, and the most fun you have ever had.
Most coaches fold up in the face of adversity. Not everyone can face the critics, overcome resistance, and align players to achieve the magic of team spirit. But if you are willing to invest the time necessary to mastering the complexity of the human factor, we can put the tools of success in your hands.
To lift people out of fear and anger, and to restore their curiosity and love of life, you have to apply a powerful shock to awaken their higher faculties.
Coaching Mastery provides 4 intense days of living on the edge. Search your heart to see if the path of high performance suits your abilities and your temperament. Then, if high performance coaching is your calling, put your petty fears and personal issues aside and enroll right now.
Sage University provides a unique training experience. All content is a form of edutainment based on role-play. Courses contain strong language and adult content. All trainings are recorded and participation requires signing a release form.