Anna Miller has a thriving coaching practice even though she is well beyond the traditional age for retirement. Her clients enroll themselves and generously refer friends with whom they want to share her clarity and wisdom. She doesn't list the benefits of coaching or uses "closing" techniques to win their loyalty. In a time when good jobs are scarce and few people enjoy their lives to the fullest, Anna has avoided the typical pitfalls that can encroach upon the careers and lifestyles of good people.
Salesmanship has come a long way since the last century. Sharing professional services is not only a way to earn a good living. It has evolved into a method for creating authentic friendships. When you sell from the heart you earn the respect of good people. They recognize true value in the services you provide. More importantly, they eagerly search your website to see what you offer. True selling is receptive communication. People seek you out because friends they trust speak highly of you. Your credibility is no accident. You cultivate trust by emanating an aura of respect for people that share your values.
Respect is a skill. Selling From the Heart is a 12 session video training program that spells out the stages of connection you must develop in order to win people and to build a dynamic web of clients. Each stage opens a sweeter, lighter dimension of perception, culminating in a high integrity bond among those you serve. Selling products is simple. People see what they want and they buy it. But when you offer services, the client is buying you. This training system shows you step-by-step how to generate authentic collaboration by shifting your perspective from mental sales techniques to genuine, heart-felt perceptions.
By investing 99,95€ in this kit, you establish a foundation for the integrity that will resonate with your clients. By viewing and listening to the dialogues in this series again and again you will uncover layer after layer of new meanings in the complex domain of professional relationships. You can expect to increase your income many times over.
We filmed these video sessions in HD with our most experienced business coaches. In addition to improving your income, they will also lift your spirits and streghten the courage you need to make your way in these times.
After you have made your payment, you will receive a download of twelve videos (mpeg-4).
This toolkit includes:
Video 1: Sales Mastery
Video 2: The Path to Prosperity
Video 3: Never Sell Alone
Video 4: Winning Friends
Video 5: Building Your Web
Video 6: Integrity Selling
Video 7: Real-Life Sales Situations I
Video 8: Real-Life Sales Situations II
Video 9: Real-Life Sales Situations III
Video 10: Human-Centered Selling
Video 11: Deflecting Criticism
Video 12: Continuous Learning
Shift your business to a new level now by ordering your sales kit today.